4 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Your Business
Malaysia Internet User Report 2018
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing
- Traditional marketing is a type of marketing method that is difficult to disregard and includes the traditional hardcopy ads we encounter in everyday.
- One of the most obvious limitation is there is very little interaction between medium used and customer. It is more of providing information to the public with the hope of these people patronizing the brand. Besides, print or radio advertisement can be very costly. Extra chargers needed when you need to hire people to distribute these.
- When a business invests on building a marketing website, advertising the brand name through Google Ads and social media such as Facebook, linked and youtube, this kind of strategy is called digital marketing. Digital marketing is crucial for a business today because the internet is becoming one of the most used tools.
- SEO Digital marketing enable you to reach local audience and also international ausience. it's can also interact with the audience with the use of social media and search engine. Interaction is important because can stimulate clientsto take action, visiting your marketing website to get undertsand your product or services, and lead client to leave a message to you.
- Statistical report showing more than 80% of shoppers/buyers do their research online before investing in a product / service.
- Mobile will be accounting for over 70% of digital ad spend by 2019.
Source reference: https://www.mcmc.gov.my/en/resources/statistics/internet-users-survey
How important Digital Marketing in Malaysia.
- In ASEAN countries, and according to Wee Huay Neo, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) director of e-commerce enablement. This shows how digital marketing, in a country where its internet users have , will grow in increasing importance.
- They are among the 15 million Internet users in the country, largely within the 15-40 age group, who are increasingly being targeted by marketers through the digital space & online search engine.
- Digital media in Malaysia are poised for explosive growth and finally gaining credibility as mainstream media among the majority of advertising clients.
- Digital marketing agency & web design Malaysiacompany encourage the use of new communication channels to enclose the gap between consumer and organizations. The marketing website, users comments tools, and chatroom system are important. This relationship builds on the relationship between customer’s consumption experiences and organization offering original context.
How many percent of people in Malaysia will take digital marketing as first priority
- This year digital experts forecast 24% growth in digital ads spend in the Malaysia market. This study concludes that the choices of digital marketing & search engine marketing for business is at first compare to traditional marketing.
- Mobile in Malaysia will also overtake desktop in terms of growth percentage. Thus, mobile online video ads, search engine & Google Ads will be the main drivers of growth within digital ad spend across the region
How frequent people nowadays explore to digital marketing
- 2 million business are said to use Facebook for advertising in 2018. (Hootsuite, 2018)
- 20% of people will read the text on a page, but 80% of people will watch a video. (My SMN, 2017)
- 59% of Americans believe that customer service through social media has made it easier to get their questions answered and issues resolved. (Lyfe Marketing, 2018)
*Digital Advertisement
What is the defference between Digital Marketing & Traditional Marketing comparison
No | Digital Marketing vs | Traditional Marketing |
1 | Reached out to maximum people | Limited audience |
2 | Targeted or audience specific marketing field & country | General Marketing field |
3 | Versatile tool Can keep optimizing the performance | Non-versatile. Can’t changed after published |
4 | Proactive & dynamic marketing | Passive & static marketing |
5 | Immediate Communication & Interaction | Delayed Communication |
6 | Real Time market data analysis | No data analysis |
- What is digital marketing?
- How to start boosting your brands, products or services through digital marketing?